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Epasa - Power Generation

Paraíba Power Plants - Epasa - UTE Termonordeste (TNE) and Termoparaíba (TPB).

In operation since 2010, under the "availability" modality, TNE and TPB UTEs started to market energy in the regulated market to 36 distribution concessionaires. Together the two thermoelectric plants have installed capacity is 342 megawatts, which represents enough energy to meet a population of about 980 thousand inhabitants.


The Availability mode means in practice a generation reserve that is used by the National System Operator (ONS) in adverse conditions of the electric system, such as:

  • Low water storage conditions in reservoirs;

  • Electrical restrictions on the system, both scheduled and emergency.

The availability modality imposes on the generation agents an obligation to keep the plants available 24 hours a day for the operation, under penalty of being charged with severe penalties, applied by the regulatory body ANEEL.

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