History of EPASA
07/27/2007 - A Termomanaus Ltda. won the 4th New Energy Auction with thermoelectric projects, Termoparaíba and Termonordeste;
12/06/2007 - The ANEEL Ordinance No. 340 was published authorizing Termoparaíba to establish itself as an Independent Power Producer (PIEE);
12/11/2007 - The ANEEL Ordinance No. 347 was published authorizing Termonordeste to establish itself as an Independent Power Producer (PIEE);
02/06/2009 - EPASA - Centrais Elétricas de Pernambuco S.A., current Term of Business of Termomanaus Ltda., Instructed the transfer of ownership of UTE Termoparaíba and UTE Termonordeste to EPASA - Centrais Elétricas de Paraíba S.A., together with ANEEL;
09/15/2009 - CPFL Geração S.A. acquired the shareholding control of EPASA and started to conduct the proceedings with ANEEL / MME;
02/23/2010 - Through ANEEL Resolution No. 2,277, ANEEL agreed to transfer ownership of the EPESA projects to EPASA and authorized it to establish itself as a PIEE (Independent Power Generator).